3 tips to improve your social media marketing strategy in 2021

3 tips to improve your social media marketing strategy in 2021

Though marketers cannot predict what 2021 will be like, we can look back at our 2020 social media data to improve our marketing strategy for this year. It’s about identifying the types of content that will resonate with your audience and other areas that need improvement. Here are 3 key tips to consider for your 2021 social marketing strategy.

1. Excellent customer service will retain your social followers

If you haven’t yet made excellent social customer service a top priority, do it right now. Consumers are usually open about unfollowing brands that offer poor customer service. So, ignoring any questions from followers online can be disastrous. To improve your marketing in 2021, evaluate the way your customer service handled customer inquiries last year. Now make sure your team improves and offers the best support by answering questions directly and using social listening tools to leave no questions unanswered. Also, speed up your brand’s response time as 79% of consumers expect businesses to respond to inquiries within the first 24 hours.

2. Images and videos are crucial for engaging social followers

The way you deliver content is what makes most consumers want to engage. Take a moment to review all the content you published over the past year and pick note which received high engagement. Now, brainstorm on how to convert those topics into interesting visual and/or video content. Take for example, if you post about the release of a new video game, share video clips and pictures from the gameplay and include relevant information at the end. For interviews, try making them in video form as customers consider such videos more realistic and fulfilling.

3. Automation tools to increase your bandwidth

When it comes to marketing your brand online, having the right tools to broaden the reach of your business is crucial. Since markets don’t have enough time, get the best tools at Mark2 Creative to automate daily tasks such as content scheduling and simplifying workflows. This offers you free time to focus on other important work. We’re your go-to service to improve your social media strategy in 2021.
Image by Tumisu via Pixabay

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