SEO: some key questions to consider
Achieving powerful search engine optimization results, notably for Google, is a key element of any digital strategy. Effective page ranking gives any business the opportunity to be noticed. Yet there are many aspects which form part of such a strategy. For example, here are four interesting SEO-related questions to consider...

How's your web-page download speed?

Not many years ago, it was common to wait for weeks to receive a response to a letter sent to a company requesting product information. Nowadays, if a web page doesn't download in a second or two, the wait seems unending. Patience, for many, is only two or three seconds long! For any SEO strategy to work, then your web presence, across the range of devices used, needs to be speedy. Otherwise, the opportunity is often lost.

Is your content designed solely for SEO purposes? This is a trap many businesses are caught by. Keywords are important in increasing the visibility of your website. But content that is solely aimed at using these terms as often as possible is likely to fail to then engage with the reader. Effective SEO delivery, in itself, doesn't bring eCommerce sales. Imagine you see an ad in a newspaper or magazine. This encourages you to visit the retailer's premises. But it hasn't guaranteed them of your custom! SEO helps achieve that first contact, but doesn't, on its own, close the deal.

Do you link to other, relevant websites?

Many businesses are loath to do this. Yet, any reader wants professional help, in some form, when they visit a website. Effective links to authoritative sources add value to your own site. This is particularly true with blogs. Such assistance adds weight to your SEO actions which deliver the initial contact.

Do you pay attention to your meta descriptions?

Remember, this is the first thing searchers see about your business. It should provide a concise, well-crafted description, relevant to the search terms they are likely to use. They should be unique to each individual page, rather than a generic blurb.

SEO skills - and so much more!

This is just one aspect of the overarching digital expertise offered by our Mark 2 Creative team. So, we'd love you to talk to us, obligation-free, about any aspect of your digital marketing strategy...

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