How to create content competitors will feel envious of
Is your digital marketing content sending shivers down the spine of your competitors? Does it make them wonder "how did they know that"? If your answer is "Yes!" to these questions, you've done well in your content creation activities. But if your answers are "No" or "Not always", we'd like to help. In this post, we share guidelines for creating content to engage your target audience, and possibly competitors too. 1. Research Your content must have substance. Your content needs to cover a topic of interest, backed by empirical evidence and prod the reader to act, or at least think about it. Content that is parked aside for a lazy Sunday morning read will probably never be read, especially if your target audience is a busy B2B executive. 2. Headline with stopping power An effective print ad is never read! What makes it effective, then? It has an attention-grabbing headline that says it all. There's hardly a need to read. But in the digital space, people have time to read on and learn more about the content only if the headline stops them in their tracks. In this post, we avoided the use of drive growth or profits in the headline. Instead, we used "competitors will feel envious." It stirs curiosity, doesn't it? 3. Be brand consistent Not many brands and businesses are cognizant of the fact that content is an important brand touchpoint. The fact is, it is. Hence, it's strategically important for the content to exude your brand tone of voice. From the choice of words, phrasing to visual impact, it must reflect your brand. 4. Single-minded digital marketing message In the many words contained in your content, there should be only one big idea or message. Do not overwork the brain-cells of your target audience. Be single-minded. Remember, it is a strategy, not a one-off affair. Well-written content is essential for an effective inbound marketing strategy. If it doesn't engage, your digital marketing strategy may fail. Speak to us to find out more.
Computer Eyewear by Mike Saechang licensed under Creative Commons 4.0